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Imports to Canada – Stats

We thought it would be fascinating to provide some statistics in this issue on some of the top imports to Canada. Statistic enthusiasts enjoy!

Top 5 fresh vegetable import sources (thousands of Canadian dollars) – 2015
United States 2,163,621
Mexico 828,313
China 67,160
Peru 49,909
Spain 42,244

Source: Statistics Canada.


Top 5 sources of fresh fruit imports (thousands of Canadian dollars) – 2015
United States  1,985,688
Mexico 634, 453
Chile 311,699
Guatemala  232,682
Costa Rica  206,474

Source: Statistics Canada.


Top 5 exporters of vegetables [1] worldwide (CAN$’000) 2014
Spain 6,004,540
Netherlands 5,804,129
Mexico 5,339,643
China 3,724,630
United States 3,098,890

[1] Does not include potatoes
Source: Global Trade Atlas. (June 2015). Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.


Fresh fruit import value by commodity (thousands of Canadian dollars) 2015
Grapes [1] 554,494
Bananas [2] 530,124
Strawberries 403,941
Raspberries 337,530
Mandarines and clementines 266,911
Apples 252,974

[1] Includes table grapes and wine grapes
[2] Includes dried
Source: Statistics Canada.


Fresh vegetable imports by commodity (thousands of Canadian dollars) – 2015
Lettuce 457,889
Tomatoes 399,370
Cabbage 373,667
Peppers 300,339
Onions & Shallots 171,694

Source: Statistics Canada. 


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