
Top 10 Inquiries You Need to Know

Unlimited access to our Help Desk is one of the many benefits of having a DRC membership.

Our Help Desk is a single source with answers to your trading questions and issues you may be experiencing. Expertise is available to respond to your questions and, in essence, provide informal consultations.

By providing essential tools and support, we help you succeed with every trade and avoid potential issues. If problems do arise, we can work together to find a resolution. Your success is our success.

The top 10 most frequent and common inquiries pertain to:

  1. Government Inspections such as CFIA and USDA
  2. Does the product meet or fail grade specifications?
  3. Transportation-related matters
  4. DRC member standing (i.e., Are they a member in good standing?)
  5. Disagreement over an account of sales or liquidation reports
  6. DRC Good Arrival Guidelines Tolerances
  7. The clarification of trade terms
  8. Non-payment, slow or partial payment
  9. Exporting to Canada FAQ
  10. Understanding Incoterms

Our customer service is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in English, French, and Spanish. For information, give us a call at 1.613.234.0982 or fill out our Contact Us form

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